When I was 13 years old I fell in love with an older man Named Brian H. He was in the Air Force at the time I met him. When I met him, He was 8 years older then I was. I was 13 he was 21!! " Just doing the math for you"!! ;)
Anyways, long story almost short, my mother at the time was newly single & had moved in a woman roommate to help support the house we all lived in. The woman named Karen that moved in, eventually became engaged to a man who was active in the Air Force. So then after a while we started having parties, what my brother & I would call "The Air Force Parties". There would be hundreds or well close to a hundred hot men there at one time. ;) Ok.... I might be exaggerating just alittle!! My mother never really cared what my brother & I did at these parties. So as you can imagine my brother & I would always have friends come over & we would almost always be drunk or stoned which ever was there first. Anyways, on with story!! One night at one of these parties I met Brian & instantly became attracted to him. But the sad story was he was to old & I was too young. Not to mention he was scheduled to be stationed elsewhere within the week. As you could imagine being 13 years old I was completely heart broken. We did manage to stay in touch through mail & phone calls. But after a few years we lost contact. When I was 24 years old I managed to find him still active in the Air Force, stationed in Turkey. We then lost contact a few months later. That was about 10 years ago today!!
Just yesterday I found him, out of pure luck!! I had heard he died in the War this last year. So I was eager to find him, to see if he was ok. He is in fact alive & well, BTW!! He was pretty amazed that I found him. But, I never did tell him how I really found him. I was surfing the www, day before yesterday & somehow I got on to this website with video weddings. I came across his name & it showed his wedding from last year. Then for some weird reason it also showed his mailing address & phone number. ODD huh? I thought soo!! Anyways, I called him yesterday & he told me he has been trying to find me for years now & just recently gave up right before he got married. Crazy how things work in life!!
Now, although we are old enough to date each other, he is now a happily married man. My feelings for him have never changed, even today he still has a place in my heart. But some things in life just aren't meant to be. I don't plan on ever losing contact with him again. Well that is, unless his wife has some thing to say about it. But for now, we will remain friends forever!!
I just wanted to share this story with all of you!! Take care!! Love, MM XOXO