Saturday, May 12, 2007

My boobs!!

This last Friday May 11th, 2007 I went to see my plastic surgeon to see about getting them redone. "OKAY..... Don't act like you didn't already know I had fake boobs"!! Anyways, on with my story!! I wanted to get them redone for a few reason's which I ll explain more later in this post. I was also thinking about going just alittle bit bigger & changing to Silicone instead of saline. Besides its almost time to get them replaced anyways.
They usually only have a life span of about 10 years. Although, sometimes they have been known to last forever. But your playing a gamble!! After the first 10 years they are no longer covered by the Implant company's insurance. Ok I ll explain!! When you first get the implants the company who sales them gives you a 10 year insurance on them in case they break, leak, or just screw up somehow. But after those 10 years they are no longer covered, so if something happens after those 10 years, you have to pay the entire amount to get them fixed. One of the main reasons they aren't covered after 10 years is because they aren't meant to last after those 10 years. The chances of them breaking become about 80% & increases each year there after. OK........I m really starting to sound repetitive, sorry!!
Anyways, I have had mine for about 6 & 1/2 years. I ve wanted to get them redone because to me, they look off. I call them my sisters, but not my twins!! If you get what I m saying?!! So, I made an appointment with my Surgeon to see what he thinks I can do as far as redoing them & making them look better. Well, he thought I was crazy & told me he didn't want to mess them up by doing another surgery. He said they look great & that I was trippin!! He believes they look better then the last time he saw me, which was in 2002. He also said they felt more real then before. Before I left, he asked if he could take some photos. UGH!! Which of course I agreed!! I left there pissed & really upset!! I guess I might be to critical about myself, who knows. So long story short I m stuck with this pair for another 3 & 1/2 years. I still think they could look alot better, but that's just my opinion. Plus, I really don't like the fact that I have saline. It can become dangerous if they break. Not many woman realize, but mold can grow in the saline water after a few years while sitting in 97 degrees 24/7. If there is mold & it does break you can get Toxic Shock, Which can be deadly. I know, I know Silicone can be bad, but in my opinion its safer. Ive done some research!! If the saline breaks its 100% chance it goes all thro your body & with Silicone, chances are it wont go anywhere.
I m trying to get over the fact that I am stuck with them & I m really trying to like them more then I do. But, When I finally do get them redone Ill post before & after pictures so you can all see the difference. I m still working on getting them redone, so Ill keep you all posted!!

Take care!! Love always, MM XOXO


Blogger Tim said...

You are a beautiful woman, mm, no matter what your breasts look like.

Take care love.

Happy mother's day again!

5/12/2007 6:32 PM  
Blogger JaG said...

I didn't know all this! Very interesting. I don't think I'll ever get implants though. My boobs are petite but I like them.

Nice blog you've got here.

5/13/2007 5:07 AM  
Blogger BBC said...


Can't you just be happy with them the way they are? Maybe buy a home instead?

Hey, thanks for taking my teasing and flirting with you in good stride. Hugs.

5/13/2007 7:42 AM  
Blogger BBC said...

Okay, one more comment.

I don't think they need to be bigger.

Just friendly.

I like to kiss friendly boobies.


5/13/2007 7:45 AM  
Blogger BBC said...

Hey, you can't bike all the way up here, you would need a new ass. :-)

5/13/2007 7:46 AM  
Blogger Mystical Me said...

Thanks for wishing me a Happy Mama's day. Thanks, but I still dont like em. ;) XOXO

Sometimes, I wish I had never gotten them. It sounds like you have perfect boobs, so dont mess them up by getting plastic water filled bages put in. They arent always what they are cracked up to be. If you want I can give you a link to a website to see other womans horror stories that have gotten them. But there are woman out there, who have never had any problems at all with them. Lucky Bitches!! ;) Thanks for the complement about my blog sweetheart!! But I think I m starting to get boring, lol. XOXO

I have no choice but to be happy with em now. UGH!! Buy a House, now theres an idea!! Although, its alot cheaper to buy boobs these days.
I love to flirt sweetie, so it comes as a second nature to me. ;) I guess I ll have to bring an extra ass with me then. lol. Take care sweetheart!! XOXO

Love, MM

5/13/2007 3:35 PM  
Blogger Mystical Me said...

Ive stopped by your blog & for some reason I m unable to leave a comment. I tried 10 times!!
So hopefully you get this!!

Your mother sounds like she loves you tremedously. I know what its like to get advice you dont need or want & is sometimes completely off. But it sounds like she means well. ;) I hope you had a wonderful time with her today
(Mothers Day). Take care sweetheart!! Love, MM XOXO

5/13/2007 3:43 PM  
Blogger JLee said...

You need to post some bare pics so we can tell for sure. haha KIDDING!

I think we are always more critical of our own bodies than others, so maybe accepting them and feeling assured that nothing bad will happen with them will help. But I understand because I am a lot like you!

Have a great Mother's Day Sweetness!!

5/13/2007 3:58 PM  
Blogger alan said...

You know I'd still love you with none at all, angel; you do whatever you need to do to feel comfortable with them and you!

Thank you for all the information, though! I had no idea that saline had it's own set of problems! All I remember is it being pitched as the "safe" alternative...marketed and merchandised by men, no doubt!


5/13/2007 11:35 PM  
Blogger Mystical Me said...

Where have you been all my life? ;)Your such a sweet man!!
Y/W, maybe if you know anyone looking to get this done you can let them know the risks. Take care sweetheart & thanks for everything. Love, MM XOXO

5/14/2007 10:50 AM  
Blogger Handsome B. Wonderful said...

I think they look DIVINE!! I might have to do some hands on trials though just for a professional opinion. ;)

5/17/2007 3:48 PM  
Blogger TAG said...

Being happy with your own body is important. Wish there was some way I could help you become happier. At the risk of sounding like a dirty old man (note I didn't say it wasn't true I just don't like to sound that way) JLee may be on to something. How different are they. I'd love a chance to see. My guess is they are spectacular.


5/28/2007 8:51 AM  

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